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Chinese translation for "plate chain"

Example Sentences:
1.Rhodium - plated rounded square pendant in clear crystal pav on gold - plated chain
2.It mainly manufactures automobile fittings , fork fittings , diesel engine fittings and high strength bolts and nuts etc and relevant products chain fittings ( bolt roller sleeve plate chain end joint etc . )
主要生产汽车配件、叉车配件、柴油机配件及高强度螺栓、螺帽等零部件及相关产品、链条配件(销铀、滚子、套筒、板式链端接头等) 。
3.The tunnel drying oven production line biggest merit is acts according to the product craft , the maximum temperature and the cost control need , but automatic control temperature and speed , this conveyer belt divides into the stainless steel mesh belt , the carbon steel galvanization network belt , hard fluorine long wangdai , the pvc leather belt , and each kind of metal plate chain , the working efficiency is high , the product quality is consistentthe qualified rate is good
隧道烘箱生产线最大优点是根据产品工艺、最高温度及成本控制需要,可自动调节温度与速度,该传送带分为不锈钢网带,碳钢镀锌网带,铁氟龙网带, pvc皮带,及各种金属板链,工作效率高,产品成色一致.合格率好。
4.The american watch , the nickel - plated chain and the square coin , the key ring with the useless but compromising keys to runeberg ' s office , the notebook , a letter which i decided to destroy at once ( and which i did not destroy ) , a five shilling piece , two single shillings and some pennies , a red and blue pencil , a handkerchief 一 and a revolver with a single bullet
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